Tuesday, October 23, 2007

CIS102, 10/23/07 post today's work here, please

Project 5-3, in teams or individually.(page195)
Also, briefly project 5-8, how do you stay calm under pressure. (page 198)

Monday, October 8, 2007

CIS102, 10/09/07

Welcome class to Fundamentals of Customer Service. What are your expectations of this class? Would you like for me to propose an alternative to the final project? That proposal would include taking a certification on-line entitled the Help Desk Certification.

This cert can be found on expertrating.com, go to certs, go to sales and marketing and see Help Desk Certification. The cost is $9.95.

In summary, tell me whatever you want about this class and also if the cert should be offered as an alternative to the Customer Service Manual. (you'd have your choice of writing a manual or taking the $9.95 cert)