Saturday, August 9, 2008

Welcome to CIS102 (Term 7)

AS you know, each one of us will need to work well with customers; whether they be internal (co-workers) or external customers. What experience do you have working with customers? Do you possess excellent customer service skills? How effective are you in dealing with difficult customer situations?

Anyone interested in a job or career in technical support? (Interesting enough, there are many job opportunities in this area.)


doz1010 said...

I have a lot of experience working customers. At walmart I deal with customer problems everyday. At verizon and Radioshack I sold products and services to customers.I think my customer service skills is an A+

Omar_A_cruz said...

As you know I work at "Dick's Sporting Goods" Customer Service is priority at this establishment. I am not a fan of customer service. I can not come to the realization that a person is correct 100% of the time.

ingsmi1600 said...

I have a lot of experience with customer service both internal and external while in the Navy. It was all technical support for both internal and external, helping internal customer login to accounts, helping external customers receive message traffic and logging into their system.

julena s said...

I have a lot of customer experience. I have been working in some type of customer service for about 10 years now. So I think that my customer service skills are pretty good. However, at one of my jobs we had a saying about the customer always being right "The customer is right 3% of the time and we are 97% right most of the time.

greste2928 said...

I've managed a retail store for a few years, so I know some about customer service, although it's not the most professional because it's a privately owned business.

kenny said...

I have good customer service. before i started working a Dicks Sporting goods i really had no customer service experience but since i've been work there its improved a lot.

jjavier said...

I currently work in an office thats predominantly female, and coming from a military environment, is a big change of pace. I have to watch my language with my coworkers something I wasn't quite used to. I'm not a big fan of dealing with customers but can say I'm not afraid of it. Most of it is done over the phone so usually don't have any problems with it. When it comes to difficult customers I would usually let the person say their piece, then would later vent to one of my coworkers since I couldn't say how I felt to the customer. I would rather not continue doing customer service but would rather be a field technician.

David Gioan said...

I have some customer service experience. I worked at Wallgreens, 711, and OLD NAVY. I'm currently a work study for the school, and work with Mr.K for about months. Customer SERVICE is a key element in a most employment external or internal

ablogger said...

Customers are great when they spend money!

jeremyboyd said...

Im looking for a job in technical support right now and it's seems to be hard to start off with no experience. I have very good customer support skills and hope to use them in the future. I also have five years of experience with support ranging from jobs at Food Lion, Friedman's jewelry and the Post Office.

Link said...

my experience with customers is on the phone from my time with Liberty Tax Service. didnt like it but it payed good. im a great person to be around with because of my attitude and actions.

cameronp10 said...

I've worked in retail stores for about the past 3 years and have experienced good customer service and bad. I honestly believe a customer is not always right but most managers will just let it slide to make the customer happy. In the current job I'm in I find it hard to have good customer service when you have crazed parents mad because they can't get their way. Overall though i believe customer service is important in the work aspect because if you don't have any no one is going to deal with you or the company again!

clieva6548 said...

I have plenty experience with customers. I deal with them a whole lot at work but I could use more experience. I think it's very important to know how to deal with customers because they are what keep businesses going.

William said...

i have little experience with customers, iv worked in the back of a kitchen for the last 5 years. I do have plenty of team experience. I was employee of the year for 07.

Mikhail said...

My customer service experience is limited to 2 years as part of a military (Navy) IT help desk. There were a couple of unique challenges associated with that customer service environment.
First, many of the customers that I dealt with were of higher rank than me, so there was extra emphasis placed on my ability to create a positive experience for them.
Secondly, most of the calls that I dealt with were from people with much less experience/knowledge than I had, and they were usually quite frustrated with whatever their particular issue was. I found it extremely important to empathize with their problem, and to remember that things I found second nature were new to them.

jen said...

i must agree the customer is not always right.

Jen said...

I have a fair amount of customer service experience. I worked at the customer service counter in a retail store for several years and I worked in a call center for VoiceStream/T-Mobile for a couple of years. I didn't really care for working in customer service at the call center, but face to face customer service isn't nearly as bad.

craig mair said...

I am in the mechanical field so the majority of my customers are engineers. I have a tendancy to tell the truth, unfortunatly most engineers don't like to be told they are bieng a dumb ass. Sorry for the rash words but in engineering you are either right or wrong, there is no middle ground.

Joy said...

I have quite a bit of experience working with customers. Through college I worked at the campus library and dealt with many patrons. I also worked at Walgreens for a few months. That's tiring sometimes because you can get some pretty difficult customers. Currently, I work weekends at the Norfolk Botanical Garden gift shop, and that job is more restful when it comes to dealing with customers, but I've had a couple tough ones there too.

Christina said...

I learned to read the many different kinds of customers that I would encounter each day working for Gap, Inc. Employees could earn perks by getting customers to sign up for company credit cards, but in order to make this happen your customer service skills had to be top notch. It was a constant stuggle and it took its toll.

jason said...

I have lots of customer service skills. From gathering information to troubleshooting, and even...yes...saving the world.

Troy said...

I deal with customer service everyday at work. I sell tiles to customers at Lowes on Holland Road in Virginia Beach for almost 3 years. I deal with customers orders of flooring. I make sure they are recieved by the customer on time. I also deal with making sure the installers, install the customers floors the right way, and make sure that if anything is wrong with the install, that it gets fixed.

I think customer service is one of the biggest factors in the bussiness world. Without customers you would have no money. I also believe the customer is not always right and that you should have the right to turn down any customer.

Mona said...

I have at least 20 years of customer service experience. To me, I think I have excellent customer service skills because I always try to help everybody. I am not sure how well I deal with a difficult customer because I have not dealt with one.

Reg said...

I belive that i have work in costomer my hold career in and out the Navy. My skills have been proving over and over with the differnt challages that i have had to deal with. I feel if i am at work and i have said hello then you have just become a customer. I like to treat everyone as if they have to say matter. So dealing with they problems is the easy part sending home with a smile is the hard part.

Jen Gorski said...

Customer Service is a field in which I think I've had a little 'too' much experience. Most of my experience lies within restaurant management and corporate office environments, so I know first hand that knowing the proper plan of action when dealing with a difficult situation is completely crucial in this field. As a manager, I've dealt with many irate customers, and while I cannot keep 'every' customer happy (truly an unrealistic goal), I can honestly say that most customers can leave my company satisfied. In my years of customer service, I've stood firm and grounded to the saying, "treat others as you would like to be treated", and so far, that attitude has gotten me far.

In the future, I hope to become less customer service oriented and more project oriented. Customer Service is definitely a field which one can become 'burnt out', and I'm starting to feel those effects.

tifhug7103 said...

Not really even though I have a lot of experience in customer service (about 3 years). It's very frustrating. Most of my experience comes from retail stores.

tifhug7103 said...

Not really even though I have a lot of experience in customer service (about 3 years). It's very frustrating. Most of my experience comes from retail stores.

Sung said...

I find the older i get the less patience i have for customers. I've have worked in food business, retail, and help desk. I would imagine at one point i must have been pretty good with customers, but i cant stand them now.